As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly

Thursday, June 13, 2002

Pilgrim’s Progress

Dave Winer says that Mark Pilgrim has noted that he’s got people ripping him apart for the series on his blog entitled "30 days to a more accessible weblog". (I’ve seen some of the parodies, and they’re vicious. Funny, but vicious. And clueless.) That’s a real shame, because the kind of personas he’s creating are an excellent way to gain a better understanding of the kind of visitors your web site is going to get. We did some of this the last time we redesigned the Bell Labs web site and found it very helpful. I’ve read the four personas that Mark has posted so far and think he’s doing a very good job. The users are vividly imaged. I’ll be following the series with interest to see if he does anything other than just a set of personas. I think he’s off to a great start. The only problem is that his tips apply to a whole lot more than just weblogs.

Posted at 11:35 AM


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