Hollering into the void since 2002

Monday, May 6, 2002

And the dancing is really a substitute for sex

If you’ve ever seen the movie Ghost World, you know that it opens up with an incredibly infectious tune taken from the 1966 Bollywood musical Gumnaam. The song, "Jaan Pehechaan Ho", by Mohammed Rafi, sounds like a surf instrumental crossed with a James Bond theme song and the horns from a James Brown song with amazing Hindi vocals on top. (I would point you to a sample of the music on the Ghost World site, but the whole thing is done in Flash. You need to click on the boom box, then click on the CD on the floor to get a selection of tunes from the soundtrack.) Laura was reading Cool and Strange Music magazine last night, and in an interview Ghost World creator Daniel Clowes mentioned that he had gotten his original 20th generation copy of the scene from someone who had been housesitting for Peter Holsapple, guitarist-songwriter for the dB’s, my favorite band from the 1980s, and copied it from Peter’s collection. Amazing. Incidentally, the Ghost World DVD includes the entire scene from Gumnaam, and it’s spectacular.

Meanwhile, Bollywood seems to be becoming quite an industry for Britain. The Guardian reports that with Bollywood films shooting location shots in the UK on a regular basis now, Indian tourists are taking package vacations to visit the scenes of their favorite movies.

Posted at 1:05 PM


hey, ralph--

loren has a 20th generation copy of the entire film, and we watched it on new year’s eve. the scene that made it into ghost world is the best part, but the rest is sort of fascinating, too. this is just one of many reasons for you and laura to come back to visit.

by the way, listen to the new billy bragg single ("half english") and tell me he wasn’t inspired by that scene!

Posted by sbt at 6:47 PM, May 9, 2002 [Link]

Wow, that’s so cool! We’ll definitely have to make a point of seeing that next time we’re in town (and there *will* be a next time). I love those old Bollywood musicals. They air them on one of the low-power TV stations here in New Jersey.

I’ll have to check out the Billy Bragg. I’ve been meaning to pick up the CD. Any band that has two former members of 3 Mustaphas 3 in it has got to be worth listening to. :-)

Posted by ralph at 8:51 PM, May 9, 2002 [Link]

Hi -

Just read your comments on the Mohammeed Rafi tune. I happened to see the trailer for Ghost World in my local video store - the part with the Jaan Pehechaan Ho clip - and I rented it because of that. The movie was okay, but the best part of the DVD was the Mohammed Rafi video - I must have replayed that a dozen times.

If anyone knows how I can get a copy of that particular clip, I’d love to hear about it.


Posted by BB Loco at 5:42 PM, October 27, 2002 [Link]

You can actually buy the entire movie (Gumnaam, I mean, not Ghost World) on DVD now. My fiancee Laura bought me a copy for my birthday. We haven’t had a chance to watch it yet because it’s pretty long and we’ve been busy. She got it from a company in Old Bridge, New Jersey. More information from www.pokerindustries.com/acatalog/gumnaamdvd.htm.

Posted by ralph at 8:42 PM, October 27, 2002 [Link]

OMG! I thought I was the only one who liked the Jaan Pehechaan Ho song in Ghost World. I don’t know how many times I watch the music video. It’s so funny. I wish I could find the Ghost World soundtrack so that I could hear the song when I’m driving.

Posted by Jessica at 8:46 PM, December 27, 2002 [Link]

Jaan Pehechaan Ho is indeed a masterpeice. i love the song but now i’m wondering whether there are any similiar works. does muhammed rafi have any songs that are similar to this one? or does anyone know of another bollywood artist with similar work? i’m interested in finding more songs like Jaan Pehechaan Ho.

Posted by earmi at 3:59 PM, February 5, 2003 [Link]

There is the Ghost World soundtrak available on Amazon UK. Ok, it needed 14 days, but finaly I got it. Mostly because of Jaan Pehechaan Ho I bought it. The other songs on the CD are not of my taste, except the final piano one.

Peter from Germany.

Posted by Peter Jodda at 8:31 AM, July 7, 2003 [Link]

I have not yet seen Ghost World, though it has been on my must see list for a while. I have the soundtrack to Crumb, T Zwigoff’s previous film which is a treasure trove of good music. My reason for this post is to mention that the Ghost World Soundtrack is available for download on emusic (www.emusic.com) to which I subscribe. I downloaded it this past weekend and have listened to the Rafi track a billion times. That is what led me to this page. Anyhoo-- emusic is well worth the subscription fee but they also allow you 50 free mp3 downloads as a trial run. If you want to legally get the tune (and the wonderful blues on the soundtrack) try the emusic free trial or subscribe. By the way Ghost World’s soundtrack is on Shanachie/Yazoo records. While there are many albums on emusic not available outside of the US, this is not one of them.

Posted by Barry Madore at 4:25 PM, July 8, 2003 [Link]

That’s cool that it’s on eMusic. One of these days when things settle down here, I’m going to have to try that out.

I did purchase the CD soundtrack on Shanachie. It’s great. Now I just need to remember to rip it so I can listen on my iPod....

Posted by ralph at 9:38 AM, July 9, 2003 [Link]

The best scene in Ghost World was definately the opening, with Enyd [Thora Birch] dancing to Jaan Pehechaan Ho. I thought the female dancer from the actual song was hilarious! So dramatic. The song is good for a laugh, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t actually a great song. It’s one of my new all-time favourites

Posted by Adam at 4:58 AM, August 22, 2003 [Link]

I too love that song Jaan pehechaan ho....when i first saw Ghost world, I was fascinated and entranced in the music, does anyone know where you could ever find the lyrics? That would be great.

Posted by Gina at 6:37 PM, September 3, 2003 [Link]

Meaning of the song...

jaan pehchaan ho..(if there would be references (contacts or knowhows))

life would be simple... (jeena asaan ho..)

dil ko churane walo, aankh na churao.. (oh you stealer of heart... dont avoid eye contact..)

naam to batao....((at least) tell your name..)

haha jaan pehchaan ho..

haaye, aaj ye shaam jawa....(oh, today this young evening..)

yun na chali jaye....(may not go away just like this (redundantly))

aaj ye shaam jawa....(today this young evening..)

yun na chali jaye....(may not go away just like this (redundantly))

fir se na aayegi ye, kisi ke bulaye... (it will not come back, by anybodys calling...)

fir se na aayegi ye, kisi ke bulaye... (it will not come back, by anybodys calling...)

fir se na aayegi ye, kisi ke bulaye... (it will not come back, by anybodys calling...)

yeaaahh... hooh hooh jaan pehchaan ho..

bolo ye na bolo tum... (you say this or not...)

ho gaye ishare.. (hints have been passed..)

bolo ye na bolo tum... (you say this or not...)

ho gaye ishare.. (hints have been passed..)

seedhi seedhi chot lagi, dil pe hamare... (streight streight harm struck, to my heart...)

seedhi seedhi chot lagi, dil pe hamare... (streight streight harm struck, to my heart...)

seedhi seedhi chot lagi, dil pe hamare... (streight streight harm struck, to my heart...)

yeaaaaaaaaaaaa huh huh huh huh... jaan pehchaan ho..

oh, Chup chup, dekha dekhi.. (oh, silent silent, watching, watching...)

nazren diwani... (by the mad mad eyes....)

zara si ye bat, ban jaye na kahani (this little talk, may not become a story)

zara si ye bat, ban jaye na kahani (this little talk, may not become a story)

zara si ye bat, ban jaye na kahani (this little talk, may not become a story)

haaaaye ooh ooh ah ah ah... jaan pehchaan ho...

(honks) ahahahahaha....... (more honks)

Posted by N.S. at 6:37 PM, December 24, 2003 [Link]


Posted by N.S. at 8:49 PM, December 24, 2003 [Link]

buy mohd rafi dvd with videos of 100 songs including jaan pehchaan ho here

www.erosentertainment.com/eros_us/Product/RetailerProdListIn.asp?1107 $7.00

www.hindimoviesonline.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=528 $21.99(why?)

note songs of teesri manzil by elvis lookalike (and partially demented) shammi kapoor.. ESP aaja aaja..

at this site you can listen to all songs of Rafi and compile the ones you like and buy the compiled CD.




Posted by N.S. at 6:17 AM, December 27, 2003 [Link]

Hi I also love this movie ghost world. jaan pehchaan ho!!!!! JAAN PEHCHAAN HO!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH I FEEL THE GROUND BUT THAN I TOUch THE SKY@

Posted by blahblah at 12:50 PM, July 2, 2004 [Link]

I like the style and sound. Where can I find similar music, who should i look for

Posted by Andrew at 9:24 PM, August 1, 2004 [Link]

I loved the movie Ghost world, just now I was surffing the web for site that would let me watch a clip from gumnaam, where can I find it?

Posted by zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz at 2:10 PM, November 22, 2004 [Link]

You can listen to Jan Pehechaan Ho at www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~dboyk/bollywood/

Love it! Makes you shimmy just listening to it!

Posted by Laura at 2:05 PM, January 2, 2006 [Link]

want to see the Jaan Pehechaan Ho clip - just check here: here...

if the link did not work (i.e. this site does not support HTML editing, copy paste this in your browser bar: www.transbuddha.com/mediaHolder.php?id=1409

Posted by n/a at 9:01 AM, April 19, 2006 [Link]

In the early 90s The Cramps appeared on a local LA video show called Request Video to promote their album Look Mom no Head! The Cramps brought along the clip of Jaan Pehechaan Ho from Gumnaam, a movie that Lux and Ivy had seen in their hotel room when they visited London. I’m pretty sure that is where Dan Clowes got the clip from. The bootleg video of the TV show has been in circulation for years.

Posted by sugar_shi_t_sharp at 8:35 PM, May 9, 2006 [Link]

Jaan Pehechan Ho, Jeena Aasaan Ho, Dil Ko Churane Walon, Aankh Na Churavo, Naam Tho Batavo..

Aaj Ki Yeh Shaam Javan, Yun Na Chali Jaaye, Aaj Ki Yeh Shaam Javan, Yun Na Chali Jaaye, Phir Se Na Aayegi Yeh Kisi Ke Bulaaye, Phir Se Na Aayegi Yeh Kisi Ke Bulaaye..

Jaan Pehechan Ho, Jeena Aasaan Ho, Jaan Pehechan Ho, Jeena Aasaan Ho, Dil Ko Churane Walon, Aankh Na Churavo, Naam Tho Batavo.. Jaan Pehechan Ho, Jeena Aasaan Ho,

Bolo Yeh Na Bolo Tum, Hogaye Ishaare, Bolo Yeh Na Bolo Tum, Hogaye Ishaare, Sidi Sidi Chot Huve Dil Pe Hamaare, Sidi Sidi Chot Huve Dil Pe Hamaare..

Jaan Pehechan Ho, Jeena Aasaan Ho, Jaan Pehechan Ho, Jeena Aasaan Ho, Dil Ko Churane Walon, Aankh Na Churavo, Naam Tho Batavo.. Jaan Pehechan Ho, Jeena Aasaan Ho,

Chup Chup Dekha Dekhi, Nazaren Diwani, Chup Chup Dekha Dekhi, Nazaren Diwani, Zara Si Yeh Baat Ban Jaaye Na Kahani, Zara Si Yeh Baat Ban Jaaye Na Kahani..

Jaan Pehechan Ho, Jeena Aasaan Ho, Jaan Pehechan Ho, Jeena Aasaan Ho, Dil Ko Churane Walon, Aankh Na Churavo, Naam Tho Batavo.. Jaan Pehechan Ho, Jeena Aasaan Ho..

i love this song]:*

Posted by flasherdoodad at 5:16 AM, July 4, 2006 [Link]

As Sugar noted... Way back in the early 90’s a decade before Ghost World those cool psycho-billy savants The Cramps brought the Rafi clip and insisted on playing it on a local Los Angeles video show. On their own vid "Bikini Girls With Machine Guns" band member Ivy does the spastic hand flapdance much like the gold lame’ chick in the Movie.I happened to have VHS rollin’ at the time and still own it

Posted by AlanIdol at 10:44 AM, July 27, 2006 [Link]

oh yeah by the way Heres a link to killer copy of the Rafi song


youtube has the Cramps on Request Video search there its kinda crap quality but worth a look

Posted by AlanIdol at 12:18 PM, July 27, 2006 [Link]

another great song by rafi www.youtube.com/watch?v=-X3nsbo--fA

Posted by sv at 7:51 PM, December 29, 2006 [Link]

hey guys,know anywhere i could download the theme from ghost world for free? thanks =D

Posted by dee at 6:35 PM, February 6, 2007 [Link]

another nice one www.youtube.com/watch?v=AC4WkyqHNno

Posted by sv at 11:58 PM, August 6, 2007 [Link]

I’ve never seen Ghost World! But a friend of mine gave me a copy of that crazy Gumnaam dance sequence as a joke- and I loved that song! My mom and I were singing along right away and neither of us know (Punjabi?) I’m glad one of your readers provided a translation of the lyrics!!! Bollywood musicals are tough to beat!

Posted by Celia Pleete at 9:57 PM, December 11, 2007 [Link]

I am amazed by all of the other people besides myself that actually took the time to figure out the name of the song and search the net further about it! Thanks for posting the translation too

Posted by E Money at 2:00 PM, September 30, 2008 [Link]

Here’s some solo songs of

www.ahashare.com/torrents-details.php?id=34064 www.ahashare.com/download.php?id=34064&uid=41445

Mohd rafi , I love his voice

Posted by pra at 4:53 AM, December 30, 2009 [Link]

please please, can anyone suggest similar 60’s indian/bollywood rock+roll songs to Jan Pehchan Ho??

Posted by zooey at 1:50 PM, April 15, 2012 [Link]

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