A huge orangupoid, which no man can conquer

Monday, December 22, 2003

I heard that word isn’t in the dictionary

On Talking Points Memo this evening, Josh Marshall described Yvonne Ridley, the source of the story currently making the rounds that the Kurds caught, drugged, and abandoned Saddam Hussein for the Americans to find, as "an inexperienced reporter". The name rang a bell. There’s a profile of Ms. Ridley on the BBC web site that describes the then-43 year old reporter as U.K. paper The Daily Express’ "chief reporter and a highly experienced journalist who had covered several conflicts in many countries around the world." The profile comes from September, 2001, a time when Ms. Ridley was being held by the Taliban for sneaking into Afghanistan. She wound up converting to Islam as a result of reading the Koran while in captivity there. The newly-converted Ridley went on to become the editor of al-Jazeera’s English-language service until she was fired last month.

In short, it sounds to me like she’s got plenty of experience. Perhaps the word Josh was looking for is "gullible".

Posted at 10:39 PM


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