Groovy ’60s Sounds from the Land of Smile!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Susan Kitchens tagged me with a meme that’s going around where you’re supposed to open the book that you’re currently reading to page 161 and write down the sixth sentence and post it to your blog for the whole world to see.

There’s one problem with this: unusually for me, I’m not actually reading anything at the moment.

Normally, I would have two or three books going in various states of being read. But despite the fact that I nominally have nothing but time on my hands lately, I seem to be too busy to do much reading.

There’s a couple of reference books I purchased recently, but they’re not exactly barn-burners, not the kind of thing you read from cover to cover. I find the list of shortwave broadcasts in Passport to World Band Radio very useful, but as a narrative it lacks something.

So this is more for the most recent book I read, It’s All Too Much — An Easy Plan for Living a Richer Life with Less Stuff by Peter Walsh. I used to watch him on TLC’s Clean Sweep all the time back when I was hooked on home improvement shows.

Page 161, sentence 6:

Here is a tried and true way to find out.

You’ll have to get the book to find out what you’re trying to find out. I see on Peter’s site that the paperback version just came out.

I’ll do my friends a favor and spare them from passing this on.


Posted at 6:05 PM


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