Hollering into the void since 2002

Monday, May 23, 2005

Billions and billions

It sets my teeth on edge every time one of my clients at work asks me to insert a link into their deathless prose using the words "click here" or "more" (the latter mandated as a corporate standard many years ago). So I got curious; what comes up if you search for these terms on Google?

Click here (1.17 billion results)

  1. Adobe Reader - Download
  2. XE.com - The Universal Currency Converter ®
  3. Apple - QuickTime - Download
  4. MapQuest.Com Maps, Directions and More
  5. Macromedia Flash Player Download Center
  6. PayPal - Welcome
  7. Rhapsody & RealPlayer - the best audio and video players - Real.com
  8. Netscape Browser
  9. Download Center (for Microsoft Windows Media Player)
  10. Internet Explorer Home

More (2.36 billion results):

  1. CNN.com
  2. SI.com
  3. Google Search: More, more, more
  4. eWEEK.com - Enterprise Technology News and Reviews
  5. MapQuest.Com Maps, Directions and More
  6. Cost of War
  7. Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters
  8. The Internet Movie Database (IMDb)
  9. Symantec Security Response - Search and Latest Virus Threats Page
  10. Computerworld

Then again, given the prominence of the companies who come up when you search for these terms, maybe using "click here" and "more" count as best practices.

Posted at 4:46 PM
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Saturday, May 14, 2005

Ping Pong

It always amazes me that Stereolab can write lyrics like "huger slump and greater wars and a shallower recovery" (thereby summing up the entire Dubya era in a song written in 1994) and make them so insanely catchy that I bop around the house for days replaying them in my mind over and over. Funny, I don’t remember fixating on those lyrics when Bill Clinton was President....

Posted at 2:59 AM
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