A huge orangupoid, which no man can conquer

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Street Theater

I’ve been going through my photos from my trip to Frankfurt last September and came across this one. I stumbled across an anti-nuclear protest march near the river my first Saturday there.

Anti-nuclear protesters in Frankfurt

I was walking along in the opposite direction, looking at the march, amused, when I was approached by two very excited people who accosted me in very fast German. "Ich spreche kein Deutsch", I said with a slightly exaggerated American accent (I can’t speak much German, but when I do I have a reasonably good accent, but it’s sometimes useful to play up the fact that I really don’t speak the language) and smiled. They immediately switched to English.

I had a very nice bag with me (it was a bag I got from my friend Marshall from the 2000 Apple Worldwide Developers’ Conference), and my new friends were wondering if maybe I had room in it for some nuclear waste. They didn’t have anywhere else to put it, so they were hoping I could help them out. I laughed and suggested that maybe there was a mountain in Nevada where they could store it, as my bag was already pretty heavy with all the cameras I had in it. "I think maybe they don’t want to take this waste either." No, I suppose maybe they don’t.

I wished them good luck in their search.

Posted at 6:06 AM
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