Groovy ’60s Sounds from the Land of Smile!

Saturday, October 31, 2009


I spent two and a half weeks in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, last month for work. I had a really good time there.

Green, red, and yellow peppers at a farmers’ market in Frankfurt, Germany

I brought five cameras with me; I brought seven home. I shot about 500 photos on my iPhone, mainly to share with Laura so she would know what I was up to. I also shot 24 rolls of film: 6 rolls of 35mm black and white in my Lomo LC-A, Kodak Retina Ia, and a Canonet QL19 that I bought at a flea market there; 2 rolls of 35mm Kodachrome 64 in the Retina Ia; 3 packs of Polaroid 600 adapted with a neutral density filter to work in my SX-70; and 13 rolls of color and black and white 120 film in my Kiev 88CM Hasselbladski, my vintage Diana, and an Agfa Isola I that I bought at the same flea market as the Canonet. I finally developed my last roll of film from the trip last night. I’m still scanning, and I’ll probably be posting photos from the trip until Christmas, but you can see the first 42 photos from the trip in a set on Flickr.

Posted at 8:39 PM
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