A huge orangupoid, which no man can conquer

Sunday, August 31, 2008


I’d just like to say that after recent events, I’m awfully proud to be an American. I mean, where else on Earth could a random housewife be catapulted first into a Governorship on the basis that she’s not the incumbent, and then into potentially being a heartbeat away from being the most powerful person on Earth because of her plumbing? And ahead of all those people who might actually be qualified for the job? It’s truly inspiring. Random chance can change your life! Why, thanks to this, I can believe as a fat man in my middle forties with no appropriate qualifications that I may yet fulfill my childhood ambition of being an astronaut! Nowhere else on Earth, I tell you. I gotta go get some lottery tickets.

Posted at 11:05 AM
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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Your move

Chess board

Seen in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

Posted at 8:44 PM
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