A huge orangupoid, which no man can conquer

Tuesday, April 23, 2002

Well, in Poland...

I’ve been thinking a lot about my aborted career in broadcasting lately. I suppose it was prompted by the fact that the TV station I worked for in college, WPSX-TV, had a reunion last weekend. I would have liked to go, but I went to the SWL Fest in Kulpsville and the IA Summit is Baltimore last month, and I didn’t really want to spend the money for another trip right now since I’m keeping a tight watch on finances. So I stayed home. (If you worked with me at WPSX between 1983 and 1986 and you find this page, e-mail me at webmaster@thereisnocat.com and say hi!) Interestingly, when I visited their site, I found that WPSX does web development now, and that I went to school with one of the people mentioned on the page as a contact.

So when I start thinking about this and how I didn’t become a maker of radio documentaries, I sometimes visit The Transom, set up by public radio producer Jay Allison to encourage independent radio producers to work up pieces and toss them in through the transom of public radio, so to speak. They’ve got lots of great tips about things like what type of microphone to use and how to use ProTools Free to edit; I guess razor blades and splicing blocks are out. Oh well; I still have mine somewhere.

Anyway, it’s been a while since I visited the site, and I didn’t realize that they’ll occasionally publish a piece they’ve helped with on their site. The one that’s up now is entitled "Well, in Poland...", and I have to say, it’s just an incredibly sweet piece that draws you in. The fact that I have ancestors from southern Poland, where the piece takes place, probably helped, but I think anyone would appreciate this story.

I decided some years ago that the web was my medium, my outlet for those creative urges that would drive me insane if I didn’t do something with them, but every so often I hear a radio piece that makes me wish I had stuck with it.

Posted at 10:28 AM


In looking at the Transom site, I’m impressed with what they are really doing. We should talk about this sometime. I’ve got some ideas of my own. BTW: Thanks for the referral plug. Once I get my site redone-- I’ll put you on my list of links. Mary Lu

Posted by Mary Wehmeier at 3:47 PM, April 23, 2002 [Link]

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