A huge orangupoid, which no man can conquer

Tuesday, July 2, 2002


Belarus, home of the Last Great Soviet-Style Dictator, Aleksandr Lukashenko, is unlikely to get his fondest wish, union with Russia, something that Lukashenko pushed hard for when Boris Yeltsin was in power. Vladimir Putin is considerably less enamored of his neighbor to the west. So says The Guardian, anyway. Lukashenko is a real tyrant; a few years ago, he forced a number of western embassies out of their locations because he wanted their land for a grand Presidential palace. Never mind that embassies are sovereign land of the countries they represent. No time for such niceties of international law in Belarus. But then, that’s nothing compared to the horrors he visits upon his own people. The Guardian speculates that the deteriorated relations between Russia and Belarus may spell trouble for Mr. Lukashenko. That can only be good for Belarus.

Posted at 7:15 PM


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