Hollering into the void since 2002

Wednesday, July 17, 2002

The Sun blows up

Spaceweather.com has some beautiful pictures of the sun blowing up. CNN has an explanation. And the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory web site is a mother lode of amazing pictures of the sun in all its volatile glory.

I pay attention to this stuff because every time the sun does something like this, it changes conditions on shortwave radio and I can sometimes hear stuff that I can’t hear at other times. But I also just love looking at the pictures.

Posted at 9:37 PM


So that’s why everyone’s been so strange... *snicker*

Posted by BlueWolf at 1:01 AM, July 18, 2002 [Link]

hi i love to no about the sun blowing up

Posted by sun at 10:45 AM, January 26, 2006 [Link]

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