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Sunday, July 28, 2002

Is the Reagan Revolution finally coming to an end?

The New Republic has a couple of interesting articles. One from this week argues that the country is becoming increasingly Democratic, and that the gains that Republicans like to trumpet so loudly as harbingers of their coming dominance are actually signs of weakness and marginalization, since they occur in segments of the population that are shrinking. Conversely, Democrats are making gains among growing sectors, such as professionals, working women, and suburbanites, who are turned off by the increasing conservatism of Republican candidates. The second article, by one of the same authors and from this past April, is kind of the precursor to the first, arguing that the Republicans are marginalizing themselves with their increasing identification with the caveman wing of the party.

Meanwhile, James Dobson of Focus on the Family, one of the leading advocates over the years of the wingnuts taking over the Republican party, is despairing at the prospects for his 25 year old project to remake the US in his theocratic image. He’s taking in less money. His people are staying home on election day. And fewer people agree with him than in the past. (The first article from TNR found thanks to Backup Brain.)

Posted at 1:35 PM


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