The alternative to flowers!

Wednesday, August 14, 2002

Ooooh eeeeeeEEEEE ooooooo

And now for your entertainment, The Virtual Theremin.

I think Laura and I bought a theremin kit at a WFMU record fair a few years back. I don’t remember for sure. I know we at least considered it. But if we did buy it, we never built it. I know we bought a copy of the great movie that was made about the inventor of the Theremin and his fascinating and incredible life story. (Virtual Theremin found via Wordridden.)

Posted at 4:10 AM


Hello- was enjoying your website when I noticed that you mentioned you had a theremin kit you never built; if you find it,please let me know and what kind it is, I would like to offer some cash for it if it is the right kind- Thanks, Andy

Posted by Andy at 12:37 AM, June 2, 2004 [Link]

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