A huge orangupoid, which no man can conquer

Monday, September 2, 2002

Happy happy, joy joy

Hallelujah, praise Jah almighty, someone figured out how to return the Happy Mac to Mac OS X 10.2. When I first installed Jaguar on my computer, I spent an hour or two digging through TIFF files to see if I could figure out how to change that bland, boring, dull grey Apple logo back to my old friend the Happy Mac, but kind of knew all along that the picture was undoubtedly buried somewhere in some hex code somewhere, since it probably had to display before the code to display TIFF files was booted. I also figured that someone out there would be clever enough to figure it out before long. Looks like I was right on both counts, and only a week after the official release of Jaguar. The procedure is quite fiddly, but I managed to pull it off the first try. Grab the files, grab the instructions, because no doubt you’ll have to redo it when Apple releases 10.2.1, and who knows if Apple legal will allow the page to stay up that long. Maybe the next time I edit the startup picture, I’ll make it a picture of the Happy Mac taking a piss on Steve Jobs. (Thanks to Mark Pilgrim, who noted this on diveintomark.org. Read what he says about the installation before trying this at home. There’s a big chunk you can ignore if all you want is to restore balance in the universe.)

Posted at 11:26 PM


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