As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly

Thursday, September 5, 2002

Who plays Adrian Cronauer?

Fascinating story in The New York Times (registration required) about a new program, "Good Morning, Afghanistan", now appearing on Radio Afghanistan. It sounds like quite a departure from the usual fare on the Taleban’s old Voice of Sha’ariah. I find it particularly interesting that the people who do the show are being advised by the BBC and the Voice of America, especially since those two stations in a way have the most to lose by the development of a trustworthy media alternative in Afghanistan. The BBC, in particular, is very highly thought of there. No less a person than Hamid Karzai describes BBC as "the main source of information for Afghanistan." So for people to start tuning in to a local station instead of the BBC is quite a feat.

Posted at 1:00 AM


Interesting comment.

I am project director on GMA and we are nothing to do with either BBC or VOA. That is the very reason for setting up the programme. We are totally independent... even of the Afghan authorities...

Posted by Waseem Mahmood at 2:18 PM, September 27, 2002 [Link]

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