A huge orangupoid, which no man can conquer

Tuesday, October 8, 2002


Ford has pulled the plug on its electric car, Think. I didn’t even know they had an electric car, which may go some way toward explaining why they only sold (or leased) a thousand of them. GM had a similar car a few years ago, the EV1. One enthusiast managed to drive his EV1 from his home in California all the way to Detroit, and documented the trip on his web site, Charging Across America. He had a fascinating trip and met a lot of people on the way, which was kind of necessary given how often he had to stop to recharge the car. His stories of trying to find appropriate outlets for his charger are pretty interesting. All the EV1s were leased, not sold, so when GM stopped supporting the car, all they had to do was refuse to renew the leases. I didn’t see anything about whether Ford had done something similar.

Posted at 10:05 AM


There was an article at www.salon.com about the GM car here: www.salon.com/tech/feature/2002/09/04/woe_to_ev1/ . Ellen Spertus (www.spertus.com/ellen/) the sexiest geek of 2001 is the focus of the article. She wants to steal the car and not give it back.

Posted by lilbro at 7:38 PM, October 8, 2002 [Link]

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