Hollering into the void since 2002

Friday, October 11, 2002

The Bushwah Doctrine

My friend Ray forwarded me an editorial from this week’s National Catholic Reporter that takes issue with the Bush Doctrine recently put forth by the Dubya regency. I think it does a nice job of crystalizing all the objections I had to this Pax Americana when I first read about it. It describes Dubya in none-too-flattering terms:

Ironically, presidential candidate George W. Bush two years ago called for a degree of humility in our dealings with other nations. Since he took office, he sounds and struts like a 21st-century Napoleon....

Strong, confident leaders need not be arrogant leaders. The National Security Strategy smacks of a frightening new U.S. arrogance. Bush comes across as the little guy on the playground now walking the grounds with large bodyguards and enjoying his new and threatening power.

I can’t help but agree with the editorial that this new American imperialism seems destined to create many more Iraq situations. The whole concept, with its insistence that might makes right and that the rest of the world has no choice but do things our way, seems intolerant and downright un-American to me.

Posted at 6:46 PM


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