As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly

Thursday, October 31, 2002

Lojack and Kojak

Mark Pilgrim has a lengthy and interesting post on the latest trend by spammers; blog comment form spamming. These bastards have no shame. There’s no net medium too small or insignificant to avoid their greedy leeching. I like his analogy comparing different solutions to the problem to The Club vs. Lojack. Lojack makes auto theft less appealing overall, while The Club makes the theft of your particular auto less appealing and redirects the thief’s energies to another, presumably Club-less car.

I have yet to find anything about the type of (e-mail) spam attack my server is under anywhere on the net. I guess I took the Kojak approach on this one; grunt-like detective work to search the logs, see a pattern, and put something in place to prevent further crime. All 403 messages all the time, but he still comes back for more. Another 8000 useless hits yesterday. <sigh />

Posted at 5:35 AM


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