The alternative to flowers!

Monday, November 4, 2002

What the hell is an Asilomar?

The omnipresent Christina Wodtke heads a group of people who have way too much stuff to do so where in the hell did they find time to do this who have started up an organization to provide a home for the field of information architecture. It’s called The Asilomar Institute for Information Architecture, which gives it the nicely palindromic acronym AIfIA. I think it would work better as AI4IA, because it’s easier to pronounce and makes the symmetry between AI and IA more pronounced, but no matter. They’ve got an interestingly Cluetrainish set of theses that nail to the wall the reasons why you need an Information Architect. And, proving that fools rush in where angels fear to tread, they actually define information architecture on the site. Hopefully that will kill the threads on SIGIA-L about what information architecture is once and for all (but I doubt it).

Posted at 12:06 PM


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