As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly

Wednesday, November 6, 2002

Thank you, OBL

Joshua Micah Marshall pretty well sums it up:

Well, that really could have gone better.

What a freaking disaster.

We got through Reagan, we’ll get through this. We got through Reagan, we’ll get through this. We got through Reagan, we’ll get through this. We got through Reagan, we’ll get through this....

Posted at 7:44 AM


The other option is that emigration to Canada does not look to be all that difficult.

The voters voted out bilingual education here in Massachusetts, in favor of an English immersion program for the public schools, and we have yet another Republican governor because the Democrat was apparently too liberal, according to the analysis.

When two of the country’s more Democrat-heavy states complain about liberalism (MA)or start voting in Republican senators (MN), I get really worried.

And I debate whether we really did get through Reagan. The reprecussions are still echoing from that disaster.

Posted by tara at 11:38 AM, November 6, 2002 [Link]

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