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Wednesday, December 4, 2002

As opposed to Camden Cheesesteaks

Afficianados of the delicacy known as the Philadelphia Cheesesteak have argued for years who makes the best cheesesteaks in the city. It usually comes down to two, Jim’s or Pat’s. I’ve only ever visited Jim’s, a cool-looking chrome art deco place on South Street. Their steaks are excellent, and you can get the elixir of the Gods, Vernors Ginger Soda, to wash one down with. My idea of culinary heaven. I’ve never known where Pat’s was. Now, I can just look at the directions on Pat’s web site. Pat’s is where the cheesesteak was invented. Sounds like a pilgrimage is in the making.... (Thanks to Dave Winer for the link to Pat’s site, which he linked to because of the picture of Brian Setzer there.)

Posted at 6:52 PM


You have totally overlooked Geno’s, which I must say usually is considered a much better cheesesteak than Jim’s. Geno’s is right across the street from Pat’s. Both have great steaks, though I prefer Pat’s. The bad thing about them both is that there is not a lot of seating and its all outdoors. Winter is not the best time to go, though Eagles fans line up for up to an hour every Home game to get cheesesteaks for the game.

Posted by lilbro at 10:46 AM, December 5, 2002 [Link]

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