Groovy ’60s Sounds from the Land of Smile!

Sunday, January 5, 2003

The practice we merit

Matt "Blackbelt" Jones has posted the top 20 tunes he’s been listening to this year as tabulated by his iPod. Nice idea. Then I saw the following entry:

"Corona (theme from ’jackass’)": Minutemen


So I did a little Google search for "corona jackass", and eventually wound up at the Apple QuickTime movie trailer page for Jackass The Movie. Sure enough, the background music in the trailer was Corona.

Go ahead, shoot me.

Posted at 6:14 PM


Yup. It’s true. I made this realization about 1 week after the movie was out. It made me wonder why I didn’t realize it earlier that this was the Minutemen. One killer song. Even jackasses can stumble across a spectacularly cool band.

Posted by lilbro at 7:50 PM, January 5, 2003 [Link]

Yeah, but they weren’t just a spectacularly cool band. They were a spectacularly cool band with no commercial prospects making music that led the unconverted to run away screaming with their hands over their ears.

I guess it’s true that the roar of the masses could be farts, but this truly seems like the big foist. I hope they made a lot of money on it; God bows to math. Maybe partying will help.

Posted by ralph at 8:32 PM, January 5, 2003 [Link]

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