As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Just call me Mr. Yoder

My usual response when asked why I think Windows sucks is that I think the Mac sucks too, it just sucks less (although with OS X, it now sucks more than it did, while still sucking marginally less than Windows). The paradigm of computing excellence is then held up to be Palm OS.

But I’m getting nervous.

First Palm bought the assets of Be, meaning BeOS, for God only knows what purpose. Now they’re ditching Graffiti. (Link thanks to Doc Searls.)

I tremble at the thought of Jeff Hawkins’ brilliant minimalism biting the dust, but that’s what the tea leaves say. Maybe I’ll just stay with Palm OS 3.5 the way I’m staying with Mac OS 9 until I can be convinced that moving forward is actually going to be an improvement rather than the giant leap backward it appears to be. I’m Amish; I need to believe that a technology will be an improvement over my current situation before I’ll adopt it.

Posted at 12:33 AM


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