The alternative to flowers!

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

A proposal from left field

Fenway Park is one of the nicest stadiums in which to see a baseball game, if, God forbid, you should ever feel compelled to go watch one. I saw the last baseball game I ever watched in Fenway a week before the 1994 strike that convinced me to write major league baseball off. It’s a lovely place, with the kind of quirks that make a stadium special. Now, new owners are making a change to the hallowed grounds; they’re adding seats behind the fabled 37-foot tall Green Monster (New York Times link, registration required), the huge wall out in left field. I suppose if it keeps Fenway viable, I’m for it. Still, it seems a little odd. I’m not quite sure what to make of it.

Posted at 5:31 AM


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