The alternative to flowers!

Saturday, February 1, 2003

Fire truck!

So a piece of spam got past the filters this morning, and it promised pictures of Gir1s forced to fsck by Drunk Men. I want to know, when did file system corruption become a major concern of drunks? I can just see it, photographs of frightened gir1s sitting at computers watching console messages scroll by and occasionally typing "y" while stern but sloppy men scowl at them. Oooh, what a turn on. Maybe they’ll include a stuffed penguin in the pictures.

Posted at 9:38 AM


Undoubtely they were being grepped at the time ...

Posted by markj at 2:38 PM, February 1, 2003 [Link]

So it’s been sed. Vi, I don’t know.

Posted by ralph at 6:10 PM, February 3, 2003 [Link]

Have the authorities been able to finger them yet? These dirty old men are more or less out of their minds and should be tarred. No need for feathers.

Posted by Mike at 9:42 AM, February 4, 2003 [Link]

Personally, I think these people should be castrated. Then they’d be UNIX®....

Posted by ralph at 12:01 AM, February 5, 2003 [Link]

uhhh... It wouldn’t let me post on the feb 28th page...

I was gonna say... Yeah. I’m happy to be Canadian. I mean, there’s always been the whole Canadian/American rivalry thing, but right now, I just feel really bad for you guys. The worst thing, though, is your media. SERIOUSLY, if you want good news, get it online from the BBC or CBC or something... American television makes me want to cry.

And, uhh, I found your site by searching up Lederhosen Lucil... I don’t understand it much myself.

Posted by pips at 2:23 AM, February 6, 2004 [Link]

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