The alternative to flowers!

Tuesday, May 7, 2002

Run away! Run away!

It looks like the UK is going to undergo the same kind of media consolidation that has given the US such useless crap on the radio. You would think they would look at what the kind of changes they’re introducing have done here. Then you would think they would run as far and as fast in the other direction as possible....

Posted at 4:49 PM


Good observation. I agree with you about the mind-numbing state of radio in this country. If only people were driven by long-term goals instead of what will make money in the near future. Unfortunately, people don’t seem to make decisions anymore. Corporations do. And issues of good taste aren’t important in the executive committees when their first priority is to maintain the stock price. The beast needs to be fed, so mergers help them achieve that goal.

Posted by Mike at 7:05 PM, May 7, 2002 [Link]

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