A huge orangupoid, which no man can conquer

Sunday, March 16, 2003

Eat a pizza

The man who could have been King of Italy returned to the country yesterday amid protests highlighting the divide between northern and southern Italy. Normally, I wouldn’t bother pointing something like this out, but I found something interesting toward the end of the article. Vittorio Emmanuele of the House of Savoy visited Naples, the city where he was born. Among the trivial details of his plans while he’s there, listed toward the end of the article, I found that he will:

[E]at a pizza at Brandi’s in Via Thiaia where the pizza Margherita was invented - named in honour of his 19th-century forbear, Queen Margherita.


(Yes, I was previously aware of the pizzeria. It’s just amusing to see it mentioned in a newspaper.)

Posted at 7:21 AM



Posted by Joe at 5:47 PM, May 28, 2004 [Link]

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