A huge orangupoid, which no man can conquer

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

I’ll tell my mother on you

Jonathan Delacour has a lengthy piece on war, much of which is devoted to an exploration of the song Boo Hoo. I know this song well; it was on one of my favorite records when I was a kid, an album of mediocre sitcom actor and professional fussbudget Tony Randall singing hits of the 1920s and 30s. It also had such great tunes as Byrd, Oh What a Bird You Are, ("Over the North and the South Pole you flew / If there were East and West poles, you’d conquer them too") and "Winchester Cathedral" Now I’m going to have to dig up the tape of it my mom made for me a few years ago.

I don’t expect anyone outside my immediate family will be interested in this, mind you....

Posted at 3:49 AM


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