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Saturday, March 29, 2003


The St. Petersburg Times has an article about an intriguing musician named Sveta Kolibaba. She used to play accordion in a band called Three Morons (Tri Debila in Russian); the other two morons played guitar and tuba. Sounds right up my alley, yes? The link from the SPT article to her site wasn’t working because of DNS problems (maybe tomorrow?), so I did a Google search on her and came across this interesting compilation (Russendisko) of Russian punk, ska, and rock bands released recently by one of my favorite German labels, Trikont (home of the incredible Alpine folk-punk band Attwenger, among others, as well of some truly incredible compilations like the one I was listening to earlier today of Czech-Mex polka music from Texas). And lucky me, one of the sample tracks they have on the page is Sveta’s "Hey DJ". Catchy little tune. No accordion, though. I’d like to hear Three Morons. Pity their track wasn’t one of the ones linked to as a sample on the Trikont site.

(See the lengths I go to to search out unusual music?)

Posted at 7:38 PM


I’m one of the 2 guys who made the Russendisko compilation on Trikont. Mail me your questions, I’ll gladly answer them

Posted by Yuriy at 3:22 PM, August 16, 2003 [Link]

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