As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly

Wednesday, May 8, 2002

The Polder Model dissected

The Economist has one of their periodic surveys in this week’s issue, where they spend 20 or so pages thoroughly dissecting some issue or place or thing that’s currently in the news. This week’s survey covers The Netherlands. The whole thing is not available for free on their site, but the first section is, and it gives some insight into why the political situation in the country was in such turmoil, with Pim Fortuyn mounting a frontal attack on the cozy "polder system" of consensus politics that has run the country and arguably contributed to its stability and prosperity over the years. Not surprisingly, The Economist argues that it hasn’t contributed as much as it gets credit for. If you’re interested in the first part, the issue should still be on the newsstands for a few more days.

Then as a followup, they of course cover Fortuyn’s assassination and the effect it will have on European politics, particularly on the extreme right.

Posted at 7:30 PM


Can anyone send me this document over the change from the Polder Model to a more Rijnland Model

Posted by Angela MacLeod at 1:57 PM, December 8, 2002 [Link]

this is a good site

Posted by hyuje at 2:55 PM, February 18, 2006 [Link]

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