Groovy ’60s Sounds from the Land of Smile!

Friday, April 4, 2003

Live from Baghdad (or maybe Tikrit)

Radio Netherlands has an interesting look at the broadcasts of the Iraqi Satellite Channel, which has continued to broadcast to audiences outside Iraq despite American attempts to destroy the communications infrastructure in Iraq. Bits and pieces from the channel show up on CNN and MSNBC, but in The Netherlands, you can get the pure, unfiltered propaganda direct from the source via DSL [site in Dutch] (as opposed to the pure, unfiltered Objective Journalism we get direct from embedded journalists on cable TV here in the US, as well as The Netherlands).

At the recent Winter SWL Fest, my friend Tracy was demonstrating what you can get free with a relatively small satellite dish and an MPEG decoder/receiver costing a couple hundred dollars, and among the channels was this very Iraqi Satellite Channel, receiveable here in the eastern US. Sadly, since we rent rather than own, I haven’t installed a satellite dish. So I’ll just have to be content with whatever propaganda I can find online, on cable TV, or on shortwave radio.

Posted at 11:45 AM


on today’s episode of "le show," harry shearer referred to an interesting comment about the embedded journalist program. he quoted an official (from the pentagon, perhaps?) who said something to the effect that they expected the conditions to be such that reporters might be able to connect up to a satellite once a day or so to beam back a little video. if they’d known how much they’d be able to send back and how often, they would have rethought the whole embedding thing. i didn’t listen to the show to get the whole thing, but it’s probably up on his site by now (and if i knew how to format comment text i’d include the link...)

Posted by shirley at 11:36 PM, April 6, 2003 [Link]

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