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Monday, April 14, 2003

The only problem is it keeps me awake

One of the benefits of insomnia is being able to see CNN International’s coverage of Iraq when CNN North America switches over at 2 am eastern time. One of the disadvantages of insomnia is having to suffer through CNNI’s Richard Quest as an anchor. My word, is there a more grating voice on all of television? I remember hearing Quest on the BBC World Service when he was their business reporter in North America, but he was only on for brief reports. On CNNI, he’s on for hours with his cheese grater voice and unctuous attitude. The scariest thing is that they put him on at breakfast time. I suppose having to listen to him at that hour would wake me up. It’s certainly keeping me awake now. I know it’s a superficial complaint, but still....

He’s a fine journalist, there’s no doubt about that. I enjoyed and appreciated his reporting for the BBC back when. But man, couldn’t they find anyone more appropriate to anchor their breakfast coverage?

Ah well, could be worse. I could be stuck watching Brit Hume.... (I do wish we got the BBC’s news channel here, as well as CBC Newsworld.)

Posted at 2:12 AM


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