Hollering into the void since 2002

Thursday, May 29, 2003

Robin Hood in Reverse

Just in case you needed one more piece of data to convince you of where the current administration’s priorities lie, tonight comes news that the tax giveaway the Resident signed withholds the much-vaunted child tax credit from the poorest taxpayers. The provision that ensured they would get it was removed at the last minute in committee so that the bill would stay under the illusory $350 billion figure so that the Republicons could maximize the reduction in the cut on taxes on dividends. I don’t know about you, but I get about $20 in taxable dividends a year; the rest of my dividends are already sheltered in my 401(k). If you needed it to be any clearer that the people running looting our country are stealing from the poor to give to the rich, if you need it shoved in your face, here it is. It just couldn’t be any plainer. Those pricks call it class warfare if you complain about this, but they’re the real class warriors, and the class they’ve declared war on is everyone but the rich.

2004 is only a year away; 2004 is only a year away; 2004 is only a year away....

Posted at 12:22 AM


To put it bluntly, more than half the residents of this country are too stupid to realize how the current administration’s priorities are not in their favor. Therefore, President Bush will be re-elected easily in 2004.

Posted by Mike at 10:36 AM, May 29, 2003 [Link]

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