Funky, Funky!
In recent days, it has become de rigeur in certain neighborhoods of Greater Blogistan to comment on the funkiness of the RSS feeds of various blogs, blog tools, and other RSS infested sites. Such pontification is, unfortunately, limited in the scope of the sites it can cover, however. If the Lord of Funkiness doesn’t stoop to your level, how will you ever know if your feed is funky or not?
Research scientists at There Is No Cat, LLC, have been working diligently in recent days, reverse engineering the heuristic analysis upon which designation as "funky" or "not funky" takes place, coding this analysis into an intelligent application that can quickly and scientifically determine if a given RSS feed qualifies as "funky" or "not funky", and designing a simple-to-use interface to this powerful tool. Ladies and Gentlemen of Blogistan, we present Da Funkidator.
Da Funkidator has been extensively tested on numerous RSS feeds across Blogistan, and appears to match the expertise of human judges on the funkiness of any given RSS feed with greater than five nines of accuracy (that’s 99.999% accurate for those unacquainted with telephone company jargon). Our research scientists should be proud of their accomplishments. With this tool, it is now possible for the unwashed masses of Blogistan to discover if they are unwittingly harboring a funky or not funky RSS feed.
Posted at 12:57 AM
dude, I’m not funky! (what does it mean that I actually didn’t know what Pat Boone looks like? or that I figured the identity of the strange white man was in the alt attribute?)
Posted by Elaine at 1:12 AM, June 18, 2003 [Link]