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Wednesday, July 16, 2003

De Alto Cedro voy para Marcané

First Compay Segundo. Now Celia Cruz. I hate to say it, but don’t these things always happen in threes?

Laura and I saw Compay Segundo back in 1999, when he was a spry 91 years old. The concert, at Town Hall in New York, was postponed for a week because the U.S. government was resisting giving him a visa. But they relented, and the show went on eventually. We had seats in the front row of the balcony, with a perfect view of the stage. The show was wonderful. As I recall, it ended with an audience singalong to the old chestnut "Guantanamera". And it worked; almost nobody else in the world could pull that off.

Tonight as I was cleaning the house, I found the ticket stub from that show. Funny how things like that happen.

[ Ticket to see Compay Segundo at Town Hall in NYC, November, 1999 ]

Posted at 10:44 PM


That song Alto Cedro is the best in the spanish world. It is fantastic. The melody of these song is great. It is exellent.

See soon

From United States of Albania

Posted by Salih Mehmeti at 2:33 PM, September 15, 2006 [Link]

I am Valmir Mehmeti, and i live in Prishtina, Kosova, wich is part of the united state of Albania.

I am very interested in folk music of my country, but i like very much folk music of other country of world.

In cuba music, i like especialy Alto Cedro Chan Chan, because it is very nice, and the singer Regialdo is cool.

I think it is the great music of cuba forever.

Vali records

Posted by Valmir Mehmeti at 10:11 AM, October 1, 2006 [Link]

Kjo kenge i ngjan mrekullise. E nxehte, plot afsh kubanez. NUk do te harrohet kurre perjete. Alto Cedro e dini kujt i perngjan!? "Elefanteve" negociator te Kosoves. Hem, krahasim i mire apo jo. Por Alto Cedro i tejkalon kufinjte

Luboteni nga malet e Lubotenit ne vendin e Lubotenit..

Posted by Luboteni at 3:53 PM, February 2, 2007 [Link]

Une jam Valmira Mehmeti, Jam nga nje qytet i vogel i Kosoves. Jam aktiviste e Levizjes Vetevendosje dhe nxënëse kurse shkolla mbetet sekret. Motoja e jetëës sime është bashkimi i trojeve shqiptare në një shtet të vetëm unik shqiptar në Evropë. Tani me të rinjtë dhe të rejat liridashëse shqiptare luftoj kundër mbeturinave armiqësore aktuale siç janë Ekipi Negociator. Drejt Vetëvendosjes. Do të fitojmë!

Posted by Valmira at 4:13 PM, April 25, 2007 [Link]

Ne do të rrëzojmë UNMIK - un pa një pa dy. Vetëm përpara. për këtë betohemi e zotohemi. UNMIK - ut nuk do ti mbetet gur mbi dhe. As hije e tij. Do ta asgjësojmë, sepse ai mohon lirinë.

Deli Luboteni, the comander of GTA.

Posted by Salih at 1:26 PM, April 26, 2007 [Link]

Ne do ta mposhtim UNMIK-un me të gjitha forcat tona dhe sdo ta lëmë as hijen e saj në Kosovë deri ta përmbushim amanetin e deshmoreve ’VETEVENDOSJEN’ Drejt dhe deri në Vetevendosje

Posted by valmira at 7:24 AM, June 19, 2007 [Link]

I wanted to look up the meaning of "marcane" and I ended up here. Your are lucky to have seen Compay Segundo. I became interested in the old Cuban style ("son") after having seen the "Buena Vista Social Club" video. Now I am hooked; so much so that I want to visit Cuba and I started learning Spanish. Thanks for dedicating some web space to these wonderful musicians.

Posted by Joel at 8:53 AM, February 23, 2010 [Link]

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