A huge orangupoid, which no man can conquer

Saturday, August 2, 2003

World of Music, Arts, and Dance

One of these years, I’ll really have to make it to WOMAD, the world music festival started twenty years ago by Peter Gabriel. In the meantime, I suppose I’ll have to settle for BBC Radio 3’s extensive coverage, with live recordings in RealAudio format of all the great bands that play there. Sadly, WOMAD has never seemed to catch on in the US. They tried a few years ago to have one in Seattle, but I guess, based on the fact that they didn’t bother this year or last year, that it wasn’t a huge success. Anyway, from my location in New Jersey, the main festival in Reading, England, is probably closer anyway....

Posted at 3:55 PM


Pity you weren’t in this neck of the woods (i.e. Reading) during WOMAD as I could have put you up in my spare room. Sadly, I’ll be leaving this house at the end of the month so can’t hold the offer over til next year. But you could still make the Reading Festival if you really wanted. ;)

Posted by Suw at 9:20 AM, August 12, 2003 [Link]

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