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Friday, August 8, 2003

Travels with Tom

When I heard last week that Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle was starting a blog to cover his yearly trip around South Dakota, I thought, "well, that’s kinda cool" and didn’t give it much more thought. I started reading it today, and all of the entries were about health care, and I thought, "well, it’s clear what the agenda for this trip is. Interesting approach, though." Then I got to the entry for August 3. Daschle’s not the greatest writer, but damn, he knows how to close. Lump in the throat, tears in the eyes stuff.

But of course, as the Republicans have been telling us for years, there’s no health care crisis in this country. Bastards. I’m lucky; all I had to do to maintain health insurance when I got laid off was get married. My parents have had a much rougher time maintaining insurance, and have had some times where they gambled and did without. Daschle points out the dangers of that approach.

All we get from the current administration is a drug benefit for seniors that’s damned near worthless.

Posted at 9:15 PM


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