A huge orangupoid, which no man can conquer

Saturday, August 23, 2003

Where’s my pineapple?

My loving wife has been, um, prevailing upon me to visit this website, Homestar Runner. It’s a clear example of what happens when you give two guys who have waaaaay too much time on their hands a copy of Macromedia Flash. So I was looking at the TV Guide on the site of cute animated stories, with my loving wife kibbitzing from the sidelines, making suggestions. As I was watching this one about a luau, I couldn’t help but think of Joey deVilla, Blogistan’s own Accordion Guy. After all, it prominently featured characters pretending to be Hawaiian, and one of the characters used the phrase "Crazy Go Nuts", which is of course the name of Joey’s alma mater.

The brain makes odd connections even where none exist....

Posted at 6:16 AM


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