The alternative to flowers!

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

There would be a Peter Blegvad quote here if my LPs weren’t still in boxes

I keep close tabs on the solar weather most of the time, as things like sunspots, solar flux, and geomagnetic storms have a tremendous impact on my shortwave radio hobby. Sadly, in the wake of our move, my radios are still in boxes and I have no outdoor antennas erected, meaning I’m missing the impact of one of the largest solar flares in history on radio propagation. It’s probably going to be a few months before I get the shack set up again. In the meantime, I just took a walk outside to see if perhaps maybe I might get lucky and be able to see an aurora for the second time in my life. Not to be; I don’t know if it’s just not reaching this far south, or if it’s the high horizon from the trees in our neighborhood keeping me from seeing it. Oh well. Maybe another time. I feel lucky that I saw it once. I understand that only five percent of humanity has ever seen an aurora.

In lieu of seeing one myself this time, NASA’s Aurora Gallery is probably the best place to see photographs of the Northern Lights. They’ve got some pretty spectacular shots up now.

Posted at 11:15 PM


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