A huge orangupoid, which no man can conquer

Monday, November 3, 2003

The new draft

Dave Winer isn’t impressed with any of the politicians’ blogs. He describes a post by John Edwards over on Lawrence Lessig’s blog as "just like Edwards in person. Cardboard, full of lies and deception." Wesley Clark still didn’t have an official blog a week after announcing his candidacy, so he was dismissed. Winer doesn’t even give credit to the one candidate out there who has really made decent use of the web to enable supporters to connect to each other and to the candidate, Howard Dean. To me, Dean seems to be doing everything Dave says he wants, but it’s not enough. I don’t get it. I’m confused. Who will show us the way out of the forest and be the first to properly campaign via blog?

There’s only one solution.

Dave Winer has to run for President.

Dave’s independently wealthy, so he can kickstart the campaign until the contributions start pouring in. But even if they don’t, money’s not important; the power of blogs conquers all. Dave should have no problem getting his ideas out there and taken seriously. And since he knows what all the other candidates are doing wrong, and what the right way to campaign via blog is, he won’t make any missteps. I don’t see how he can miss, plus he’ll be educating us all, showing us the proper way to campaign via blog by doing it!

Run, Dave, run!

Posted at 8:50 PM


Yes, by all means, run. We’ll tell you when to stop.

Posted by Mike at 11:17 AM, November 4, 2003 [Link]


Posted by Elaine at 11:46 AM, November 4, 2003 [Link]

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