Hollering into the void since 2002

Thursday, May 16, 2002

We apologize for the inconvenience

The Guardian reviews the posthumously-collected Douglas Adams book The Salmon of Doubt. Any Douglas Adams is better than the best of almost anyone else, I suppose. And as the review points out, most of Adams’ books felt slapped together, so this one should fit right in. I still feel a little uneasy about reading something that was apparently never intended for publication.

Douglas Adams spoke at a conference of web developers I attended about five years ago. It was one of the funniest talks I’ve ever heard, even if he did repeat that story about the package of cookies. That apparently shows up in the new book, too. I didn’t have the nerve to go up to him after his talk, because I was afraid I would come across as just another nervous fanboy with nothing more intelligent to say than "man, I really loved your books/computer game/radio series/phonograph record/TV show/book of radio scripts." My loss.

The world became a sadder place the day Douglas Adams died, and that’s all our loss.

Posted at 10:58 PM


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