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Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Moving On or Moving Out?

MoveOn is returning to its roots, in a bizzaro-world kind of way. It originally started as a movement to stop the impeachment of Bill Clinton for getting blow jobs, calling instead for the alternative of censure. Now, in the absence of any movement toward impeachment of George Bush for lying America into a war, MoveOn is calling again for Congress to censure a sitting President. I mean, if they can impeach Clinton for his blow jobs, it seems the least they can do to Bush for being responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American soldiers in a war of choice is to censure him. That’s got to be at least the equal of getting some on the side.

Posted at 8:57 PM


looks like moveon pulled the plug on even that small step toward some semblance of justice. nothin’ on their site, dead links all around. yet more woosie dems?

Posted by d.o. at 10:54 AM, March 15, 2006 [Link]

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