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Monday, April 5, 2004

Brewster Kahle does it again

I don’t know where I read about this, but this weekend I came across the Archive.org Live Music Archive. Back when I was young, I was on the periphery of the tape trading underground. One of my brother’s classmates was a heavy trader, and he used to let me copy any of his tapes. I wound up with a couple of hundred cassettes of live shows and demos from my favorite bands. I don’t see anything by most of those bands in the archive, but some of my more recent favorites are represented. I was delighted, for example, to find two shows by the Ass Ponys in the archive. The Ponys are one of the best live bands I’ve ever seen, so it’s a treat to be able to download audio of some of their shows. Some of the shows are in some oddball formats I never heard of so that they don’t lose any sound quality, unlike MP3, so make sure to check out the FAQ. Some of the information there is out of date (MacAmp is no longer available, for example), but by and large it’s still useful. I just hope I don’t wind up with hundreds of CDs....

Posted at 12:47 AM


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