Hollering into the void since 2002

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Two years

Two years ago today, I unveiled There Is No Cat. One year ago today, I wrote up a list of what I considered my best posts in that first year. I was originally thinking I didn’t write anything worth reading this past year, but looking through the archives, there are a few things that might be worth revisiting.

The good posts got few and far between as the year progressed. I haven’t posted as often, and I haven’t posted as well. Life tends to get in the way; I got married and bought a house in the past year. I got a new job, same as the old job. We had major construction done on the house. I got a new camera and started shooting a lot of pictures, perhaps focusing on that more than on writing.

Some times I think I’m burning out on the web after eleven years. So if the gaps get wider in the coming months, I’m just recharging my batteries.

Posted at 12:02 AM


hey ralph, i know how that is... i too have concentrated more on photos recently rather than writing. it is hard to find time to do both. i should be very sad, though, if you were to give up blogging altogether... here’s hoping you stick around with your words and your pictures :)

Posted by deb at 5:08 AM, April 19, 2004 [Link]

Yeah, I hear you about burnout. Don’t worry about the rate of your posts. We’re getting good value for our money. :-)

Posted by Mike at 9:54 AM, April 19, 2004 [Link]

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