Whooo hoo! Log lives!
One of my all time favorite bands, Log, from deep in the heart of Ohio, has been quiet for too long. But there's a stirring on the plains. Old 3C, the label run by head Logger Paul Nini, announces that there's a new album, Log Almighty, coming out by mid-June. My good friend Shirley, who plays bass and sings with the band, has told me for quite a while that there was another album in their future, but I was really starting to wonder since it had been so long. I'm delighted to have my doubts assuaged. (So, Shirley, why did I have to find this out from the web and not directly from you? :-)
Posted at 3:40 PM
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the real question is how come *I* had to find out about the new log cd by reading TINC??? just kidding.
the answer to your question, ralph, is: because i am Lame. i am the queen of Lame. i am way past having any excuse at all, and am especially ashamed of my Lameness because you and laura comprise 40% of our fan base.
log is dead, long live log.
Posted by shirley at 3:58 PM, April 25, 2004 [Link]