The alternative to flowers!

Thursday, June 10, 2004

No I said no you won’t no

Suw Charman notes that James Joyce’s grandson has quashed the annual Bloomsday celebrations where fans of the book Ulysses get together and read aloud from the book on the day on which the events in the book take place. Said grandson wants his piece of the action and threatens anyone who engages in a public reading of the book with legal action for copyright violation.

I think the only proper response to this would be for the people who would normally attend one of these readings to show up at their appointed times and places with copies of Ulysses, and simulataneously read the passages that would have been read aloud. To themselves. In silence. I think that would be a neat protest.

Posted at 11:00 PM


i can’t believe that! how absurd... the guy is really just cutting off his nose to spite his face, because surely public readings are the best advertising you could get, and would encourage people to go buy the book or the audio cd’s or whatever.


Posted by deb at 4:15 AM, June 15, 2004 [Link]

What about NPR? Did he make them pay? I heard part of their show on Ulysses and it was pretty interesting. Never read the book but I did see the movie.

Posted by Mamacita at 7:37 AM, June 18, 2004 [Link]

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