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Friday, July 2, 2004

And don’t bother with the Cybermen, either

I had no idea either that the BBC was going to be making a new series of Dr. Who, or that it didn’t completely own the rights. Apparently, the estate of Terry Nation, the creator of the show, own the rights to the Daleks, and the BBC has been unable to reach an agreement with them on the use of the characters. So there will be no Daleks in the upcoming series. To which I say, about time. The Daleks were always a ridiculous, pathetic enemy. After all, how scary can it be to deal with a bunch of single-minded ("exterminate! Exterminate! EXTERMINATE!") robots when all you have to do to win is go upstairs? Jeez. Good riddance to the Daleks.

Posted at 11:27 AM


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