One of my friends from work took half a day on Friday to protest the visit of pResident Bush to his area in Pennsylvania. He told me later that day about how the protesters were shunted away from where Dubya was appearing. So it was interesting to read this account of a protest that actually reached inside Dubya's zone, and what his response was. (via Medley)
These guys are toast. And they seem to understand that they're toast. Otherwise they wouldn't be so testy. They're really losing it, and it's only July.
Posted at 12:25 AM
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That would probably be why they're investigating the possiblity of delaying elections in case of terrorist attack. Or perhaps even just threat of terrorist attack.
This madness has *got* to end soon. Seriously.
Posted by sis at 11:04 AM, July 12, 2004 [Link]