Hollering into the void since 2002

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Things ten through twelve

I’m finding this 26 Things harder than the previous one, I think. Or maybe I just don’t remember how difficult the last one was, because I know I went up to the last hour of November on it. But I’m not as happy with the photos I’m getting this time, so I think it is harder. There are some that I like; I’ve even had the photo from liquid printed for framing so I can hang it once we start decorating the house. Three new ones today: stretch, button, and delicious.

26 Things - stretch

Posted at 10:27 PM


yeah, i’m definitely finding it harder this time around as well. hey, that delicious photo is fantastic! love it. what is lensbaby?

Posted by deb at 6:15 AM, July 22, 2004 [Link]

Lensbaby is a bellows lens that brings the randomness and crappy focus of cheap Russian cameras like the Lomo and Holga (very hip) to high-end single-lens reflex cameras. I wrote about it on July 8 and July 10, and posted a gallery of shots taken with it at www.brandi.org/photos/lensbabyday1/ .

Posted by ralph at 7:40 AM, July 22, 2004 [Link]

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