Groovy ’60s Sounds from the Land of Smile!

Sunday, September 5, 2004

Long walk, short pier, deep ocean

As near as I can tell, this is probably the nearest weather station to my parents’ house. As of 8 pm, they’re still seeing winds of about 40 mph, gusts to about 45 mph. The 6 pm reading appears to be the highest, sustained winds just under 50 mph and gusts to about 55 mph, so it appears that my suspicion that this afternoon’s conditions were the worst may be true. Still, if the winds only got to 55 mph, I figure my folks are probably okay, because when Charley came through a few weeks ago, they had winds of 50 mph, and my mom told me the windows didn’t even rattle. Hooray for the post-Andrew building code. CNN has a reporter in St. Augustine (unlike The Weather Channel), and things don’t look too bad there, some flooding but not awful. There was a tornado in St. Augustine, but it doesn’t appear to have done significant damage. Fingers crossed.

Posted at 8:51 PM


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